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Companies Database and Directory 

About the Databases and Directory


Our goal is to build a database of every company in the world working to advance hydrogen and a directory of companies that are members share our vision of collaboration and partnerships.


We focus on private companies that are little known with potential breakthroughs and capture critical information on their status.


We source companies from recommendations from our advisors, VC investors and through our own research.  We invite these firms and build out profiles for those that accept our invitation


Every two weeks we send our subscribers our DB Directory Update with the new companies added. They appear in the order that they sign up. 


The Update is targeted at industry professionals in or around the hydrogen, clean energy, impact investment space who can stay abreast of advances with just a few minutes of time


They can scan the update to see if any new profiles are relevant or interesting they can just click and take into the profile on the platform. We charge $47 monthly subscription.


See SUBSCRIBE tab to learn more.

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